You Can't Make This Stuff Up
I say that out loud every time a White House staffer resigns or someone in the Trump circle gets indicted. I say it a lot, actually. Recently my community held an event in conjunction with International Women's Day. I didn't go. In past years, I might have gone. Once upon a time, I would have covered the event for the local paper, or even served on one of the panels. But being retired now and out of circulation, so to speak, I didn't attend. After hearing a recap from a friend, I'm glad I didn't. For one thing, when a speaker brought up the Me Too Movement, a majority of the small-town audience didn't appreciate the topic. A few applauded. Some later accused the speaker of bringing politics into play. Huh? Secondly, my experience with one of the speakers chosen to represent women in a certain field has been anything but positive. In fact, that particular speaker and I were once on a screening committee in which she lobbied loudly and persistently ag...